Categotry Archives: media tool kit



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Double header of media mayhem!


Roman Polanski lost the first round yesterday in his battle to avoid extradition to the US for having sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977.

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You have been arrested because you got into a fight with your girlfriend or wife. Maybe there is a reasonable explanation or your girlfriend does not want to "press charges." Unfortunately, what is LEVOTHROID, at this stage it doesn't matter. You are now before a judge and whether or not you are released, you must completely stay away from the complainant.
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Yeah. Imagine, not being able to see the woman--please note, it was assumed to be a woman who was the victim--because you beat her up. Oh, the humanity!

Which is kind what the order is trying to protect, ya know.




Categories: media tool kit, monday media watch, privilege stories

BUY PAXIL NO PRESCRIPTION, Oh, New York Times. You mixed-up kid. When you're not panting all over the latest Dan Brown novel (for shame, Buy cheap PAXIL, Janet Maslin, for shame) you're punting muddle-headed essays on gender on us.

Let's take a, they talk about Caster Semenya--hey, join the club, real brand PAXIL online. I used the controversy to talk about gender issues too, seeing as gender and appearances were a major part of my life. PAXIL used for, What's Peggy Orenstein got to say?

I had my own reasons to be fascinated by Semenya’s story: I related to it. Not directly — I mean, no one has ever called my biological sex into question, BUY PAXIL NO PRESCRIPTION. No one, that is, except for me, PAXIL from canadian pharmacy. After my breast-cancer diagnosis at age 35, I was told I almost certainly had a genetic mutation that predisposed me to reproductive cancers. PAXIL gel, ointment, cream, pill, spray, continuous-release, extended-release, The way I could best reduce my risk would be to surgically remove both of my breasts and my ovaries. In other words, to amputate healthy body parts. BUY PAXIL NO PRESCRIPTION, But not just any parts: the ones associated in the most primal way with reproduction, sexuality, with my sense of myself as female.


No, wait, I don't.

I mean the whole point of the Caster Semenya story is how people question your gender, right. Now, order PAXIL from mexican pharmacy, not to diminish Ms. Orenstein's pain here. Where can i cheapest PAXIL online, I am well aware of how terrible cancer, breast cancer, and the surgeries proposed are, and how not having breasts or a womb or ovaries can make you question your femininity and your sense of yourself as female, PAXIL price, coupon, as a woman. (I'm rather intimately acquainted with that, PAXIL treatment, actually.)

But like they say over here, quoi?
So I began to fret: without breasts or hormone-producing ovaries, what would the difference be, say, PAXIL reviews, between myself and a pre-op female-to-male transsexual. Other than that my situation was involuntary, BUY PAXIL NO PRESCRIPTION. That seemed an awfully thin straw on which to base my entire sense of womanhood. PAXIL no rx, What, precisely, made me a girl anyway. Who got to decide, effects of PAXIL. How much did it matter?
Um...the difference would be that you thought of yourself as a woman. BUY PAXIL NO PRESCRIPTION, Ya think. And waitaminute--involuntary. PAXIL forum, Are you kidding me?

I guess you can say that starting treatment to transition is voluntary--I mean, you have to decide to do it; nobody makes you. But the being trans part isn't.

Oh, goodness, order PAXIL from United States pharmacy, ducks, there's a lot to pick apart in the essay--like when she says biology is destiny. PAXIL canada, mexico, india, Sorta. But it totes shouldn't mean anything to women's rights or stuff (which seems pretty baffling.) She does inch close to something important though:
According to Sheri Berenbaum, a professor of psychology and pediatrics at Penn State who studies children with disorders of sex development, even people with ambiguous biology tend to identify as male or female, though what motivates that decision remains unclear, BUY PAXIL NO PRESCRIPTION. “People’s hormones matter,” she said, “but something about their rearing matters too, after PAXIL. What about it, though, PAXIL no prescription, no one really knows.”

There is something mysterious at work, then, that makes us who we are, something internally driven, PAXIL samples. Maybe it’s about our innate need to categorize the world around us. Maybe it arises from — or gives rise to — languages that don’t allow for neutrality. BUY PAXIL NO PRESCRIPTION, My guess, however, is that it’s deeper than that, something that transcends objectivity, defies explanation. PAXIL long term,
Now, that I can agree with. I mean, that's the story of my life, PAXIL australia, uk, us, usa, right. Except that in my case, PAXIL description, my sense of gender was at odds with my body. I didn't choose a middle way or androgyny or something like that (though people do and that's just as valid as my own gender), but instead was impelled to think of myself as female. Why, BUY PAXIL NO PRESCRIPTION. And why is it so hard for some people to accept that about me--why do people cling to narrowly construed models of gender, where to buy PAXIL. What is it in human culture or the human brain that does that. These are good questions. About PAXIL, Ms. BUY PAXIL NO PRESCRIPTION, Orenstein, maybe you'll leave me on a good note!
I know that my sex could never really be changed by any surgeon’s scalpel.
Thunk. Boy it's a good thing my desk is 5,000 miles away.

I mean, I know what she means, PAXIL blogs, and it actually follows the same course as my own thinking: my gender was female before, during, Buy PAXIL from canada, and after my surgery. But sheesh, lady, for TS and intersex people, effects of PAXIL, surgery can be Kind. Of. PAXIL maximum dosage, Important.

And that's just it. She wants to talk about gender, she even brings in the example of a famous person who is intersex (or presumed to be, thanks to the leaks of evil, evil people), but does she engage with any intersex or transsexual people, who sure as hell know a lot about intrinsic gender identity?

Fuck no.

People get all in an uproar, it seems lately, about the word cis as opposed to trans, BUY PAXIL NO PRESCRIPTION. (Right now on a message board I still read we're having our latest battle about it, a three-way fight between cis folks who don't want the word applied to them, trans folks who want it applied in the neutral and descriptive way, PAXIL brand name, and other trans folks who oppose its use and want to be nice in hope of getting a cookie from the cis folks.) But an article like this shows exactly why we need to have a word like this: because the privilege of not only never wondering about your gender identity, but never needing to know anything about people who have, Purchase PAXIL for sale, is astonishing and smothering. So many of the questions Ms. Orenstein ponders have been batted around for years. There's research, PAXIL wiki, books, testimonials, diatribes, and even blogs.

There were answers. But privilege deafened her to them.




Categories: douchebaggery, media tool kit, monday media watch

PROPECIA FOR SALE, Greetings, ducks. This week here at TSA we're going to try something new and different--recurring theme columns, PROPECIA from canadian pharmacy. PROPECIA samples, Today will be the inaugural Monday Media Watch.

Over the weekend, in between writing SQL specifications, taking PROPECIA, Cheap PROPECIA no rx, I managed to actually watch some TV (other than Buffy DVDs, that is.) In fact, buy PROPECIA online cod, Order PROPECIA online overnight delivery no prescription, I caught Mike Judge's 2006 internet cult fave Idiocracy.

I'm mostly confused by Mike Judge--I was in college when Beavis and Butthead first came out and was never really impressed by watching a couple of barely-articulate slackers make fun of music videos. (I mean, order PROPECIA online c.o.d, PROPECIA over the counter, I wasn't even a fan of that in real life.) But after that came King of the Hill which might as well be a modern-day Leave it to Beaver--Hank Hill's solidly middle-of-the-road conservative values always win out in the end. In some ways it's similar to Parker and Stone's "common sense" values on South Park, PROPECIA description, PROPECIA price, although without that show's audacitous offensiveness and sometimes spot-on satire. But both are similar in the way that the "common sense" approach that always manages to win out looks suspciously like the point-of-view of middle class white privilege.

(With some caveats: I liked Judge's Office Space for its gleeful and accurate satire of the mindlessness of modern corporate existence, and the South Park movie's general gleeful destruction.)

Idiocracy probably had visions of being a satire, and its vision hits some easy but satisfying targets: a Costco the size of a city, every conceivable surface--clothing, furniture, even the flag--covered with advertising slogans, cable TV hitting the lowest possible common denominator (the Violence channel has a show called "Ow, PROPECIA FOR SALE. My Balls!" consisting of an hour of a guy getting hit in the crotch.) Much of this is chuckle-inducing, buy PROPECIA online no prescription, PROPECIA no prescription, greatly enhanced byLuke Wilson in another of his startled shlub turns.

Other jokes, however, buy no prescription PROPECIA online, Buy PROPECIA from mexico, have a cringe factor. Judge ferociously attacks the pornification of American advertising by showing us a world of franchise sex: Starbucks gives hand jobs, comprar en línea PROPECIA, comprar PROPECIA baratos, After PROPECIA, H & R Block offers "gentleman's tax planning" and there's even fried chicken with "full release." All of which might have gone off better had not the other main character (played by Maya Rudolph) been--a prostitute.

And that leads us into some other troubling matters. The English language, is PROPECIA addictive, PROPECIA without prescription, we are told, now resembles a mix of "hillbilly and Valley Girl slang, australia, uk, us, usa, PROPECIA blogs, " but there seem to be a preponderence of hispanic names and "accents" around to demonstrate how much stupider America is in the 26th century. And yes, PROPECIA brand name, PROPECIA treatment, there's a black president--but one who comes off as just another bunch of 21st century stereotypes: he's a former wrestler and porn star. PROPECIA FOR SALE, (In fact, the three main African-American characters are: a porn star, a prostitute, and a pimp.)

Not surprisingly, the movie ends up validating a white male slacker as the only reasonable character--and hey, given that Mike Judge is a white male slacker who made very good, I guess I can't blame him. But Idiocracy has developed some kind of hip-cult status on the Internets, PROPECIA pharmacy, PROPECIA australia, uk, us, usa, and I have news for you guys: it ain't as transgressive as you think.

While I was watching Idiocracy, I got treated to the usual series of ads catering to the doucheoisie that Comedy Central routinely runs, where to buy PROPECIA. PROPECIA dosage, (It's much worse on both CC and Adult Swim late at night, when the ads for the local stripper clubs run.) One of those included the newest Burger King Late Night series, doses PROPECIA work, PROPECIA price, coupon, in which their "King" character plays a prank on a sleeping person--in the spirit of this:

Except this one apparently was set in a woman's dorm (or at least a house with female roomates.) Sadly, the video isn't up yet, is PROPECIA safe, PROPECIA pictures, but what happens is that they do the old "shaving cream on the hand, tickle the face" gag--the woman wakes up and slaps her face to brush away the "bug," only to smear shaving cream all over her self.

But here's the part that makes this ad even douchier than normal--she wakes up and sees a strange man wearing a bizarre mask on his face. And screams. Well, no shit. I mean, this is the start of a slasher/rape nightmare, and I'd scream too. And I know that makes me a Humorless FeministTM, but give me a break--it's bad enough that this forms the plot of every cop show on TV, do we really need it to sell burgers?

There was, however, one ad I did like:

I can't say I'm a huge fan of the Progressive ads--I don't own a car, so I'm largely indifferent to them--but I love how she totally rocked this guy back on his stereotypes. Rock on, Flo.

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Categories: media tool kit, rhetorical devices

PREDNISONE FOR SALE, Welcome back, ducks. You know, when you're in the blog business, one of the things you do when casting around for a post is to comment on another blog, purchase PREDNISONE online. It's all part of the content-creation racket.

Yesterday I found out that even famous columnists like David Brooks do that:

Every day, I check a blog called Marginal Revolution, PREDNISONE trusted pharmacy reviews, which is famous for its erudite authors, Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, and its intelligent contributors. Last week, buy PREDNISONE from mexico, one of those contributors asked a question that is fantastical but thought-provoking: What would happen if a freak solar event sterilized the people on the half of the earth that happened to be facing the sun?
Wow. OK, PREDNISONE without prescription, I've read science fiction, some of the post-apocalyptic variety, and that's a familiar enough scenario. An interesting space of speculation, PREDNISONE FOR SALE. Let's see what Mr, kjøpe PREDNISONE på nett, köpa PREDNISONE online. Brooks comes up with:
If you take an individualistic view of the world, not much would happen immediately. Get PREDNISONE, [...] People would still have an incentive to go to work, pay off their bills and educate the children who were already with us. For 20 years, there would still be workers flowing into the labor force, buy cheap PREDNISONE. PREDNISONE FOR SALE, Immigrants from the other side of the earth could eventually surge into the areas losing population. If anything, the mass-sterilization might reduce the environmental strain on the planet. Online buying PREDNISONE, People might focus on living for the moment, valuing the here and now.
Hey, that makes sense, PREDNISONE maximum dosage. After all, plenty of people don't want kids anyway, PREDNISONE coupon, so I'm sure that...oh, wait, there's more:
But, of course, PREDNISONE pics, we don’t lead individualistic lives.
I sense a sermon coming on...
Material conditions do not drive history.
Unless you're a Marxist, PREDNISONE FOR SALE. Or, Doses PREDNISONE work, you know, poor.
People live in a compact between the dead, the living and the unborn, and the value of the thought experiment is that it reminds us of the power posterity holds over our lives, buy PREDNISONE online no prescription. If, say, Cheap PREDNISONE no rx, the Western Hemisphere were sterilized, there would soon be a cataclysmic spiritual crisis. Both Judaism and Christianity are promise-centered faiths. They are based on narratives that lead from Genesis through progressive revelation to a glorious culmination, PREDNISONE pictures.
PREDNISONE FOR SALE, Of course, both those religions believe in a culmination where people won't have kids anymore, but that seems to be besides the point. The point is, uh...crypto-racism?
Some people might try to perpetuate their society by recruiting people from the fertile half of the earth. PREDNISONE blogs, But that wouldn’t work. Immigration is the painful process of leaving behind one culture and way of living so that your children and children’s children can enjoy a different future. No one would be willing to undertake that traumatic process in order to move from a society that was reproducing to a society that was fading. There wouldn’t be the generations required to assimilate immigrants, PREDNISONE FOR SALE. A sterile culture could not thrive and, herbal PREDNISONE, thus, could not inspire assimilation.
This makes sense because...because...because America isn't a nation founded on immigration. PREDNISONE results, No, wait. Because there wouldn't be any bountiful and fertile white people around to assimilate people. Or something, purchase PREDNISONE for sale. PREDNISONE FOR SALE, I have no idea; I thought the beauty of America was that it was supposed to be an idea each generation reinvents for itself--that the ideals of the American republic were supposed to be available for all humankind. But maybe it's like baseball, you can't really get it unless you were born here.

Or Taiwan.

Now, PREDNISONE cost, the thing is, I know something about posterity and sterilization. Because, you see, PREDNISONE canada, mexico, india, I'll never reproduce.

I didn't say, I'll never have children, PREDNISONE brand name, because I don't know that; maybe someday I might adopt, or become a parent in one of the many ways that don't involve my own DNA. But the traditional way is closed to me, as part of my GRS.

Some trans women freeze their sperm before they have the surgery, PREDNISONE long term, but I wasn't one of them. Even when I was married, Fast shipping PREDNISONE, I was extremely ambivalent about having children, and since I'm primarily attracted to men these days, it didn't seem all that important to have my own genetic material lying around. So I didn't bother, and it mostly doesn't bother me now.

There was a point, not long after I got back from Thailand, when I did feel a twinge of regret over not being able to let my genes carry on after me; I like my genes, I think they're a good mix, and it did seem a bit of a shame to not be able to do so, PREDNISONE FOR SALE. But that passed, PREDNISONE use, and I've not felt that twinge since.

And you know what. I carry on just fine, PREDNISONE over the counter, even knowing that no part of me (except this blog, of course) will carry on after I'm gone. I still plan for the future, still make my plans, my PREDNISONE experience, still am excited and engaged by life. And while yes, Buying PREDNISONE online over the counter, I have a niece who is related to me, I think I'd feel the same whether or not she existed or whether or not she was adopted; if I have a compact with the future, it is with the future of humanity as a whole, not my own personal bloodline.

Maybe that makes me odd, taking PREDNISONE. PREDNISONE FOR SALE, I don't know; but of my four closest female friends, only one of them wants children, and I've met a bunch of other people who are childless by choice in my travels. And somehow they go on living life just fine.

Maybe mass sterilization would change how I and the others feel; I don't really know, though it's interesting to speculate about it. Buy cheap PREDNISONE no rx, But somehow I don't think it would mean the end of the world or even the end of America, given the number of people I've met who've adopted children from other parts of the world.
Within weeks, in other words, everything would break down and society would be unrecognizable. The scenario is unrelievedly grim. An individual who does not have children still contributes fully to the future of society. But when a society doesn’t reproduce there is nothing left to contribute to.
Except, you know, the future. Even if it doesn't look exactly like you.

ETA: The comments on the Times' site are fascinating. Some folks seem to feel that Brooks is writing about the declining white birthrate in the U.S.; others call him out for not seeing (or purposely ignoring) the displacement of the American First Nations by the European invaders; others call him out on his weird take on Christianity; and many just think he's being ludicrous.

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Categories: media tool kit, vive le feminisme, world without (g)end(er)

PAXIL FOR SALE, Greetings, Ducks. As many of you may have guessed by now, this is a blog about gender, PAXIL description. (Well, Buy no prescription PAXIL online, and privilege. Primarily privilege. In fact, PAXIL photos, when I renamed it, PAXIL class, I should have just gone with "Privilege Privilege Privilege...blah blah blah, Privilege!"--but that would have been an even worse url.) As it turns out, however, herbal PAXIL, soon I may need to stop writing here--because my work will have been done!

That's right, Buy PAXIL online no prescription, ducks--it seems that scientists have created synthetic sperm. And that can mean just one thing:

Synthetic sperm’ from stem cells raises hope for male infertility

Wait, no, that's not it, PAXIL FOR SALE. (Though wow, I'd never guess that the first take on this would be how it could benefit men.) No, kjøpe PAXIL på nett, köpa PAXIL online, what everyone is talking about is this:

Synthetic sperm brings mad feminist dream a step closer

The idiotic internet blather following the creation of artificial human sperm evokes the writings of mad feminists who dreamed of a world without men.
Now, let us leave for the moment that there are plenty of women and feminists (and even a lot of people who are both) who like men, PAXIL use, just not how so many men behave. Buy PAXIL without a prescription, (Because of, you know, the oppression.) Actually, PAXIL dosage, don't leave that, PAXIL canada, mexico, india, because that's the whole fucking point: it's not exactly a mainline feminist viewpoint to advocate for the genocide of one half the human species, except in the mind of Neil Lyndon. (Hint: Maureen Dowd--Maureen Dowd--isn't exactly an unimpeachable source for your "feminists hate men and want to get rid of them" argument.)

I mean, PAXIL wiki, this is so Old School, PAXIL recreational, so "bra-burning feminist hippies" stuff--I'd almost expect to see a Gloria Steinem reference. voila:

Q: What do you think 21st-century feminism looks like?

It looks like you. It looks like each self-respecting women in the 21st century. PAXIL FOR SALE, It's not for me to define; the message of feminism is that each of us, as female human beings, define ourselves. There are some generalities that you can see, PAXIL trusted pharmacy reviews. It's much more international, Low dose PAXIL, I'm happy to say. I think clearly most of the country now understands that women can do what men can do; the problem is that they don't understand that men can do what women can do, which as I was saying, canada, mexico, india, is the reason why women still suffer from having two jobs

Now, PAXIL used for, I've been reading bell hooks a lot lately, so I'm not such a huge fan of Steinem and some of the other more prominent Second Wave leaders who focused their attention almost completely on the issues of white, middle-class women, PAXIL gel, ointment, cream, pill, spray, continuous-release, extended-release. Still, Order PAXIL online overnight delivery no prescription, the comments section is painful:

Can we have dismissiveness?

A broad with a narrow mind...
Shouldn't they call themselves "masculinists". Seems more appropriate.

Mrs, PAXIL FOR SALE. Steinem, please exit stage left...

If you really want to have an honest, PAXIL images, cerebral look into a 'real feminist's' mind you should google...Melinda Jelliby
(warning: don't)

Howabout sexist fauxgressiveness?

You poor saps just can't take the thought of a woman being smarter than you. Is PAXIL safe, I would think you would be used to it, judging from your comments I would say just about everyone above the age of three is smarter than you. Its one thing to be stupid, where can i buy PAXIL online, its another to revel in your stupidity. Buying PAXIL online over the counter, This guy thinks Gloria is a complete dish and always has been.
Just plain sexism?


Gloria Stinem is some kind of gal }:>

Aaah, Gloria. PAXIL FOR SALE, You're still hot but you're no Sarah Palin. Now that's a "self-respecting" woman!
Bonus round: a Jane Fonda reference?

I won't take any gratuitous personal attacks on this woman even though she is nothing more than a mouthpiece for flowery quips and idioms from some 60's hippie manifesto (which started decades prior to the 60's actually).

I honestly look at Gloria Steinem, PAXIL dangers, Jane Fonda and their contemporaries (sp?) today as ironically exploited and in no way empowered whatsoever. Online PAXIL without a prescription,

BINGO. What'd I win?

You know, after all that, online buy PAXIL without a prescription, maybe I'm changing my mind, Purchase PAXIL, and we really should look into this world without men thing--I wonder what it would be like:

And why would any of us want a world with no men anyway. Who would carry our heavy luggage up the stairs after getting home from a vacation. After the jump, is PAXIL addictive, 15 things we’d miss about men if they ever became extinct. About PAXIL,
  1. Their 5 o’clock shadow.
  2. Intercourse and outercourse.
  3. How cute and vulnerable they look first thing in the morning.
  4. The way they reassure us we’re nothing like our mothers.
  5. Their ability to reach the high shelves at the grocery store.
  6. Taking it like a man when we have a PMS outburst.
  7. Their cute little nicknames for us.
  8. Reassuring us we’re nothing like the bitches their friends date.
  9. How well they lie about the size of our ass in our skinny jeans.
  10. How they always know where all the wires go.
  11. The way they look in a suit.
  12. How good they are at killing the bugs.
  13. And installing the AC window unit.
  14. The sound of their voice in the dark wishing us “good night.”
  15. The way they look holding a baby.

Ah, fuckit. Let's just skip to the whole life after men and women thing then; the planet will thank us.


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Categories: (un)popular entertainment, hipster irony must die, media tool kit, Outrage

ZOLOFT FOR SALE, I can't say that I'm a Sacha Baron Cohen fan. (Now, ZOLOFT brand name, Simon Baron-Cohen, I can totes get behind.) My niece liked his song in Madagascar, I've probably seen Ali G a few times, buy ZOLOFT without prescription, and other than that I've been pretty much indifferent to him.

But that hasn't been much of an option of late, Online buying ZOLOFT, thanks to this:

A lot of people--led by Liss over at Shakesville--have talked about the, oh, FAIL risk inherent about using homophobic humor to expose...homophobia, discount ZOLOFT. Hell, ZOLOFT steet value, even the New York Times--not my usual stop for cutting-edge progressivism--says as much in a well-balanced review by A.O. Scott:

The film demonstrates, at a fairly high level of conceptual sophistication, ZOLOFT forum, that lampooning homophobia has become an acceptable, ZOLOFT results, almost unavoidable form of homophobic humor, or at least a way of licensing gags that would otherwise be out of bounds. An early sequence that graphically shows Brüno and his lover exerting themselves in various positions and with the assistance of, online buying ZOLOFT hcl, among other things, After ZOLOFT, a Champagne bottle, a fire extinguisher and a specially modified exercise machine, derives its humor less from the extremity of their practices than from the assumption that sex between men is inherently weird, ZOLOFT without prescription, gross and comical. The same sequence with a man and a woman — or for that matter, two women — would play, most likely on the Internet rather than in the multiplex, as inventive, moderately kinky pornography rather than as icky, gasp-inducing farce.

However, here at The Second Awakening, we don't just do analysis: we do analysis of privilege, ZOLOFT FOR SALE. ZOLOFT online cod, (It says so somewhere in the mission statement, which I think The Grey Mouser is using as a pillow right now.) So what can we say about the privilege used, abused, where can i find ZOLOFT online, hidden, Taking ZOLOFT, and sickeningly visible in Baron Cohen's work. And is that the reason why no matter what, you always feel vaguely icky watching it?

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1. I refuse to use the idiotic umlauts; that's not how you spell the name in German. And you don't spell "Borat" that way in Cyrillic, which is odd given that the DVD box actually spelled out the English title in Cyrillic characters, ZOLOFT use. Yes, I am a hopeless pedant; you knew that already..

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The rest though, primed me to gun up the outrage engines, MAZINDOL street price. There were two films that were montages of film clips that were cleverly edited but didn't seem to have a real point of view. MAZINDOL long term, "The Control Master" was definitely a technical feat--the animation was taken from clip art advertising from the '50s--but began with the villain stalking the heroine and turning her into a dog. Lovely, MAZINDOL FOR SALE. The last film before the intermission was a mash-up of video games and afternoon cartoon shows like "She-Ra" that had one good sight gag--the invaders from space were, well, MAZINDOL blogs, Space Invaders--but mostly seemed to be an excuse to film a heroine in her panties, Purchase MAZINDOL for sale, from behind. Oh, and the reason she and the villain are fighting is because she messed around on him (even if he is a giant cube.)

The film that really set me off, cheap MAZINDOL, though, MAZINDOL coupon, was "Funny Guy." The premise began amusingly enough--a guy telling horribly bad jokes to his bathroom mirror--and our realization that he is a very disturbed young man is--disturbing. So, a good start, MAZINDOL pictures, if not exactly the most original place to go.

It's where director Frank Rinaldi takes this that provoked my strong reaction. MAZINDOL cost, It turns out that our disturbed young man wants to talk to a prostitute who hangs out across a highway from him, but is too shy. MAZINDOL FOR SALE, (This is the only woman in the entire film--a prostitute with no lines. Sigh.) He later chases the girl down to confront her, taking MAZINDOL, tracks down one of her johns and gets into a confrontation with him, MAZINDOL interactions, and then later ambushes the john and takes him back to his bathroom. The filmaking in this sequence is tense--we sense imminent violence, especially when our abductor reveals the hideous black fungus (a metaphor for his own disease?) growing on the shower stall walls--with a human ear embedded in it.

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The film is disturbing all right, but what disturbed me was that it was ultimately another piece of stalker porn; that once again I had to watch a misunderstood guy who goes nuts and finds the only way to connect to women is to hunt them down, canada, mexico, india. His rage over her "rejection" of him--that seems to be the way he interprets her going off with the other john--echoes nothing but the normal sense of entitlement to women's bodies that most men feel.

The movie isn't bad, MAZINDOL price, per se--technically, it's an accomplished student film. I'm just annoyed that these techniques are put in the service of yet another story where women are stalked, fought over, shared between men, and ultimately purely adjuncts to the plot--a motivating factor, a force of nature, incapable of speaking or acting in their own defence (it's telling that she's a prostitute, and thus not even allowed to choose her own sexual partners.) I spoke to the director after the movie--it turns out, ducks, that he was sitting right in front of me--and talked to him about my concerns, MAZINDOL FOR SALE. (No blood was shed.)

I expect a little misogyny when I go to the movies, MAZINDOL alternatives, because I expect a little misogyny when I step out of my apartment, Low dose MAZINDOL, turn on the tv, or read the newspaper. There are even great films which are profoundly misogynistic--for example, MAZINDOL dose, "Taxi Driver." Scocese's misanthropic and misogynistic gem from 1976--made at a time when he was battling a cocaine addiction, Where can i buy MAZINDOL online, going through a horrific divorce, and basically "hated women"--remains a tough film to watch. Yet the women in that film--idealized, MAZINDOL photos, paternalized, and ultimately hated by DeNiro's Travis Bickle--retain their own agency--they are people, and make choices. "Taxi Driver's" awful force of misogyny is only part of its awful force, period--although it is women who inspire Travis' acts of violence, it's also clear that these actions are only possible because of a deeper instability in his character.

It might be a lot to ask a student director to approach the skill of a Scorsese; but on the other hand, it's thirty-three years later, and not exactly difficult to learn about how women feel about, well, anything. That it remains true that the easiest way to give a disturbed character motivation is to have him rejected by a woman is yet another depressing indication of the institutionalized misogyny of your liberal media.

And it's sad that in a city as liberal and progressive as A Great American Metropolis that the only way to ensure that you will see an independent film directed by a woman is to go to a woman's film festival.

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BAYCIP FOR SALE, Randy Cohen, who writes the "Ethicist" column for the NY Times, has a modest proposal: keep men from openly carrying guns as we do today (in most places, ducks, in most places) but require women to carry them. It's mostly facetious, effects of BAYCIP, Australia, uk, us, usa, but he does touch on the usual statistics: 90% of all gun violence is committed by men, and strangely (but rightly) hits on Susan Faludi's observation (without referencing her, buy cheap BAYCIP no rx, Buy BAYCIP without prescription, though) that occupations once considered high-status when dominated by men (secretary, frex) become low-status when dominated by women, BAYCIP from canada. Comprar en línea BAYCIP, comprar BAYCIP baratos, (Ah, that's the answer to the American epidemic of gun violence: sexism, BAYCIP used for. BAYCIP price, coupon, The cause of, and solution to, BAYCIP brand name, BAYCIP online cod, all of life's problems!)

The comments are more interesting. The old canard (ahem) about guns solving the problems of 2, where to buy BAYCIP, Rx free BAYCIP, 00,000 violent crimes, about BAYCIP. (Really, BAYCIP FOR SALE. BAYCIP reviews, Think it's that easy to shoot someone. See, generic BAYCIP, Purchase BAYCIP online no prescription, for example, this, buying BAYCIP online over the counter, Is BAYCIP safe, as well as S.L.A Marshall's contention that only 25% of soldiers fired their weapons during WWII.) A surprising number of women write about their experiences owning weapons, purchase BAYCIP online. Where can i order BAYCIP without prescription, One woman hopes that this will lead to guns in designer colors. Then there's this charming passage:

Before you recommend to arm all womyn and unleash them on mankind please remember the import of the following two words:

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS).

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As a film buff, I've watched my fair share of horror films, BUY OVRAL NO PRESCRIPTION. The vast majority boil down to either stalker or torture porn, OVRAL price, OVRAL dosage, of course, with tons of women in various stages of undress being voyeuristically hunted down, buy OVRAL without a prescription. OVRAL street price, Even if the trend lately is towards making the woman the hero, letting her ultimately triumph (for example, OVRAL from canadian pharmacy, Cheap OVRAL, the American remake of The Ring or the original Halloween), you can be sure that she'll first go through a degradation that no male hero would be forced to undergo, purchase OVRAL for sale. After OVRAL, This is true of even the best of the bunch, such as the Scream franchise, order OVRAL from United States pharmacy, OVRAL class, which featured a woman hero who was easily the most capable character in all the films, or the solid-B movie The Descent, ordering OVRAL online, OVRAL long term, which at least featured a main cast of women who did things (like whitewater rafting, caving, kjøpe OVRAL på nett, köpa OVRAL online, OVRAL gel, ointment, cream, pill, spray, continuous-release, extended-release, and fending off cannibalistic subhuman cave dwellers), even if it did find room for the death of a child, cheap OVRAL, OVRAL for sale, a murderous catfight, and the heroine killing a mother and child--your basic smorgasbord of Hollywood misogyny.

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Of course, ALERAM wiki, Where can i find ALERAM online, it may be difficult to pick out this new film from the constant swirl of frattish comedies--after all, it's Judd Apatow's world now, about ALERAM, ALERAM without prescription, we just live in it. Never fear, ALERAM coupon, Purchase ALERAM online, though, ducks, purchase ALERAM for sale. The New York Times, in its ongoing mission of reminding us that all the news fit to print is by, for, and about men, has an article about The Hangover's creator, Todd Phillips.

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That doesn’t mean “The Hangover” can’t aspire to be the most grown-up work in Mr. ALERAM brand name, Phillips’s unapologetically immature portfolio.
Well, that's a relief--not the least because he doesn't apologize for his movies. No, Todd Phillips is proud of his films. He wants you to squirm while watching--that is, if you are not an immature man-child (or at least aspire to be one.)

But wait. He's not content for simple metaphysical torture--at least, where his actors are concerned:
Mr. Phillips does not always get his way, BUY ALERAM NO PRESCRIPTION. For a scene in which a police officer tests his stun gun on the guys, the director wanted his actors to be shot with a live Taser. “He goes, ‘Look at these clips on YouTube,’ ” Mr. Galifianakissaid. “ ‘It doesn’t hurt that much.’ And then the Warner Brothers lawyers stepped in, thank God.”
Well, there's always next time--and given advances in technology, perhaps within a few years he'll be able to tase the audience as well. BUY ALERAM NO PRESCRIPTION, Oh, think of the laughter we'll have. Between the blackouts, that is.

Let's give the last word to Todd, before he uses that darn taser again:
...[W]hen he tries to describe the plots of his films concisely, Mr. Phillips said recently, “the one-liners on my movies sound really retarded.” He chuckled briefly at his own analysis. “The movies, ideally, are better than they sound,” he added.
Speak for yourself, Mr. Phillips.

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