Categotry Archives: mailbag



Categories: mailbag

Sorry ducks–it’s the doldrums here, where I try to not flip on the a/c even as it gets warm again, my PHP website continues to progress PHPfully–that is, in fits, starts, and inexplicable error messages–and the rest of my hilariously-titled “free time” is eaten by aikido.

So that’s for me, why I’ve not been writing more (I do have something I want to get down about “Johnny Guitar”, which I watched last weekend and was tickled rainbow about, but that will have to wait.) Fortunately, you have been writing here, so…to the mailbag!

First, about the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival: Sal writes

Whilst a trans woman, and feminist, I’m not that bothered over the whole Mich controversy. It’s just one festival in the world which has a slightly strict (and from what I can gather, over the years difficult to even enforce) policy. If they want to try and define that someone like myself can’t be female by their definitions despite that I’ve been post-op since 18, well, meh. I say just let them get on with it and I’ll happily be at Glastonbury instead!

Well, said! However, I do still think it is important to continue to raise consciousness about MWMF, because it is a very influential event for many in both lesbian and feminist circles. So, I’ll keep talking about it, even though you’ll likely never see me at one–because three days in the mud only sounds good to me if it’s the hot mud treatment at a spa, decadent capitalist that I am!

There were a lot of good responses to my “How to be alone” post (and one slightly clueless–you know who I’m talking about.) Friend of the blog Spatula
had some very interesting things to say about the dimensions of the problem:

You know, maybe setting up the whole thing as “enlightened me vs. barbarous them” is not the only way… I’m starting to see the whole calling-out-and-being-called out as a collaborative figuring-life-out-together thing. I’m muddling through my own thinking and perceptions and how to deal with situations, and so is everyone else.

And while I agree with that wholeheartedly, the thing is–some of these issues have taken on a moral dimension to me, and that makes it hard to not respond forcefully, albeit there need to be ways to temper the insta-crush reaction that you develop online. I think, ultimately, the way forward will be to continue to try and live up to my own ideals: to listen more and talk less, to teach and educate…but also to be willing to take a stand, even when it’s not popular.

Also, aikido. Lots of aikido. At the very least I’ll be too tired to argue.

Finally, as I expected, my post on video gaming got a bunch of comments. Thank you all, especially VM & feministswithfsd, a blog I really oughta take a look at since there are certain issues we may have in common. I guess I’ll update you: I blew up Kilrah, finally, and with fewer qualms than I thought I’d have–I got frustrated at having to fly the mission over and over again until I finally figured out that the Big Bomb would indeed lock on even while I was cloaked. I still have the WC games kicking around on my PC (WCIV plays beautifully and still looks good–twas ahead of its time) but I haven’t done much, maybe because I’ve actually finished those games in the past. And have I mentioned I’m busy?

Speaking of which, I’m late to get picked up and thrown around. Also, I have to go to aikido! More new stuff soon, I promise.


Letter to a Young Commentor, Part II

Categories: kyriarchy, mailbag, oh no not teh menz, vive le feminisme

Greetings, Ducks! Sorry I fell off the face of the earth for a bit. But while I was away, reader Tamogochi was kind enough to respond to my reply to his previous comments.

I would like to answer you on why I’m not outraged.

That is because I see mistreatment as universal problem in our world: it happens in families, at workplaces, due to gender, race, social status, religious differences and ultimately between nations. It begins when one side expresses some kind of want/need towards the other. For example some people of the white race wanted to have free labor and had enforced slavery on another race. Similarly some men had been oppressing towards individual or all women. For them it didn’t seem like a problem at all because they felt entitled to that (I think your term “privilege” might fit here). The other side wanted quite a different thing – not to be oppressed and equal rights. That seemed quite reasonable and fair to them but presented a real problem to the oppressors. And thus a conflict was born.

How can it be resolved? The easiest and the most popular way throughout the history has been by the use of force. The predator eats the prey and the strong enforces the weak. Men had been doing it for ages and they enjoyed the privilege they granted themselves even if they did not admit to having it. But there’s also another and a much better way – cooperation/symbiosis. It happens when parties peacefully agree: you provide us what we want and we provide you what you want. That way rights and responsibilities are born.

So far, I’m with you. I myself tend to believe that a more communalist society would probably work better than our current system that places so much emphasis on the individual, and specifically tends to value people by how much dominance they have acheived; it’s often quite subtle, but it’s a nearly-universal part of our society. Take, for example, how people who are highly talented and skilled at some kind of operation–programming computers, analyzing budgets, designing ad campaigns–are pressured to enter management (tellingly, to have people under them), where they will direct other people to do the things that they do instead of doing them themselves; and if they don’t go into management, they ultimately lack the respect and/or compensation of people who do go into management. Dominance, not necessarily talent, it what commands respect; the recent fiscal crisis has exposed just how little talent some of these people had.

And now we come to the issues of feminism. The way that I understand it is this: it’s an organization that focuses on the problems of women and tries to solve them. Whether actively standing for women rights when necessary or trying to encourage them to reach more and to realize their full potential. And here I see a fundamental problem: if you focus your attention only on one side of the conflict you become subjective and might start to mistreat others. Then it’s very easy to slip into a mode: you give us (women) what we want (rights, respect, power) and we don’t care about your (men) problems. And they can get away with it because now they have a real power of an organization at their side that no single man can oppose. The way of enforcement of privileges in other words and the very thing feminism swore to fight.

I’d not call feminism an organization. (It reminds me of Will Rogers’ famous line: “I don’t belong to an organized party; I’m a Democrat.”) Feminism is (or ought to be) a movement, but as part of that movement there will be many organizations, and many different points of view.

I think you are building a strawfeminist here. Somehow we are to suppose that by advocating for the rights of a specific oppressed majority (sorry, here in the US women are 51% of the population), you must ignore or even oppress another group: as if equality was a zero-sum game where you can only win if everybody loses.

I don’t believe that; I think that equality and freedom are things that can be shared with all people, and that taking away a privilege is not the same as oppressing people.

I also have a few issues with how you frame this paragraph. First, you have women asking to be given rights. Which isn’t the case at all, at least how I see it: women are demanding that their rights be respected. That is, the rights already belong to us; they can’t be given–only respected.

Second, isn’t telling that in a discussion of women’s rights you immediately start talking about how this affects men? I mean, for real? It’s so frustrating to time and time again bring up the troubles of an oppressed group, troubles that get ignored because the dominant group marginalizes all issues that don’t directly affect themselves, and then have the dominant group show up to make it all about themselves! (In the feminist blogosphere, this argument is called but what about teh menz?)

“But we don’t oppress men and only want to have certain rights and responsibilities for women” you might say. Is it too much to ask after all we do for them? We want to cooperate but men sometimes are not willing to participate and we have no other option than to fight.

There must have been a less sexist way to phrase that, don’t you think? Again: women aren’t asking for rights because we serve some social role well; we demand the rights that belong to us as human beings.

Let’s look at an example of what’s really happening: a problem of verbal abuse at the workplace. The conflict is obvious: men want to use certain sexually loaded words towards the other gender and women don’t want that happening (or to be more specific they want respect and equality for themselves). And the solution for it? Feminist movement gathers enough political strength and a law is passed that prohibits that kind of discrimination. A great victory for the human race. But is it really?

What most tend to overlook is that it has really solved the problem only for one side of the conflict. Men did not have a problem of verbal abuse from women so the law solves nothing for them. And did anyone care to listen to what they really wanted? What has caused them to be sexually abusive in the first place? Nobody was interested in that. It was much easier to put a label “animals”, “primates” and not to care at all. What took place afterwards is that men pushed their unsolved problems deeper and it has resulted in a more sophisticated and undetectable ways to discriminate women. The women once again retaliated. And now I, as a man, am viewed as a potential abuser everywhere I go – like I am responsible for what others of my gender had done in the past. I constantly hear things “men are pigs, aggressive, insensitive, uncaring, unemotional, bloodthirsty” and so on. This passive form of discrimination hurts me and makes me feel like a second rate human even if I’ve never done an abusive thing towards women. Come to think of it I too might easily become outraged because of this. I might even go as far as join a movement of masculinists who fight feminists. But what another senseless war would ever accomplish?

There really must have been a less sexist way to put that. Sigh. Let’s start from the beginning.

I’d love to have some real sympathy for how you feel. And in fact, I do: I don’t like it when anyone is called names, or anyone has assumptions made about them because of how they look. But. In the specific case you cite–give me a break. If you think it’s hard to be called a predator, try actually being the prey. You forget, perhaps, who you are talking to. I am a trans woman. I’ve walked down dark streets as a man, as a cross-dresser, and as a woman. I’ve been called a faggot, whistled at, had lewd suggestions made to me on the street. I’m a double target: first for being a woman, and then for being trans; for many women like me, rape is only the starting point.

You clearly don’t understand that. I won’t say can’t, because I think you can–I think anyone with a conscience and the willingness to listen to other peoples’ stories can gain an understanding of what it is like to feel constantly targeted.

And I have to ask the question: why are you angry at me, at feminists, at women for demanding that predatory behavior–even things as seemingly trivial as being called names–be punished? Why are you angry at us, instead of them–the predatory guys, the jerks, the ones who benefit from the threat of violence and violation that constantly surrounds women in this society? Don’t act like you don’t have a stake in this fight; you’ve already shown that you do, because you’re complaining about the results.

I mean, why be angry about the last century of slow, very incremental female empowerment and not pissed off about the hundreds of centuries of female oppression? Why not take on the assholes who are ruining it for the rest of you?

I don’t think it’s fair that people are calling you names and making unfounded accusations. I also don’t think it’s fair that you’re comparing what’s happening to you to the kind of toxic environments that harrassing speech such as the kind that is prohibited by law, because that can be much, much worse. I don’t think it’s fair to compare the “outrage” you might feel about your treatment to the outrageous way that women continue to be treated throughout the world. As if because you don’t get outraged over name-calling, I shouldn’t be outraged over how one in four women in South Africa is raped before she even turns 16.

I don’t get outraged because of name-calling; I get outraged about hate speech that damages men by making them think that it’s okay to denigrate women, that it’s okay to look upon women as things or objects, that it’s okay to continue the fundamental inequality of the human race.

It could have been a much different outcome if both sides listened – men and women cooperated towards solving their shared problems. Maybe what was best in
the situation was not to punish the abusers but to provide them help in dealing with their emotional problems? Maybe what needs to be done is to change how women treat men (in removing that passive discrimination I spoke about) and how are they up-brought by their mothers by teaching them a value of empathy and compassion? If we really thought about it we would have probably came to even better ideas than that.

How was what happened not cooperation? I mean, the last time I checked, there’s not a legislative body anywhere in the United States that isn’t majority male, so somebody cooperated to write the laws. And why shouldn’t we punish people for breaking the law? You won’t get an argument from me that many laws (drug violations, for example) might benefit from alternatives to incarceration, but people don’t generally go to jail for sexual harrassment. Instead, the company and individuals have to pay a person for causing her damage; it’s a matter of civil, not criminal law.

I think you’re the first person I’ve encountered who feels that girls aren’t brought up to feel empathy. I mean, isn’t that the stereotype? Guys aren’t allowed to have feelings, but girls are supposed to be so good at them?

And again, seriously: if these are shared problems (they are), then why do so few dudes care about them?

That’s why I feel being outraged is not good – it hinders our ability to listen and see the situation clearly and invites us to mistreat other people just as we have been mistreated ourselves. I don’t consider myself feminist or masculinist – I would rather be humanist.

Well, I disagree–I think the natural response to seeing people being oppressed should be outrage, and that my outrage helps me, inspires me, keeps me working on helping people.

And I’m a humanist as well; I don’t think there’s a need to be either a feminist or a humanist. My advocacy for one part of the human race doesn’t diminish my advocacy for the rest of it; it just shows where my main interest lies.

Thank you again for responding–I know English isn’t your first language. I do hope you continue to think about these things.

Very best,

C.L. Minou


Letter to a Young Commentor

Categories: i heart oppression, mailbag, the patriarchy: you can't live with it....that is all, vive le feminisme, Your RDA of Outrage

Greetings, ducks! In today’s edition, I answer comments, specifically this comment from new reader Tamogochi! Hello, Tamo–let’s hear what you have to say:

I’ve followed to your blog from INFJ forum. It seems that feminism is quite a big portion of your life and the article you cited is indeed stupid.

You are correct on both counts–I congratulate you on your perspicacity!

My comment is more on the general topic.

Uh-oh. Nothing good ever follows a lead-in like that.

What I don’t get about that whole feminist attitude is why are you so infuriated (as it’s in a subtitle of your site)? The aggressive feminism worked a 100 years ago, but now is quite outdated.

Why am I so mad?

Well, first, am I all that mad? I don’t think I come across as indiscriminately angry. No. I choose my words (or try to) with great care, and there’s a reason I chose infuriated. For me, my fury is a low-grade, constant resentment of how messed up the world remains, of how we continue to play primate dominance games imported out of our misty prehistory, of how our culture plays lip service to the ideas of equality, justice, and change while trying to keep everything the same.

That is the source of my fury, as I documented previously, here and here, and it is why I am an implacable foe of unearned privilege.

Also, we live in a world where an ESPN reporter is filmed changing inside her hotel room and it gets thrown all around the internet (and the coverage never fails to note that But She’s Totes Hot and Playboyz Luvz Her so she kinda was asking for it, right?) and you’re telling me that my fury is out of date? That I shouldn’t be outraged a lot? That given the racist, sexist, classist imagery spoon-fed to us every day on television and radio and the internet that I shouldn’t be–I dunno, upset?

Perhaps this will clear a few things up:

That aggressiveness is the very thing that turns men away instead of trying to help women with their problems. It actually acts as an excuse. And a lame one.

Oh, Tamo.

It’s amazing what you managed to do there–pack so much privilege into a few short sentences. You are to be commended!

OK. First. Women aren’t asking men to “help them with their problems,” as if feminist concerns are issues that apply only to women. Feminism is not the “Sanitary Aids” aisle at the supermarket; it–or at least, the feminism I believe in–is a movement that must by its very nature try to bring true freedom and equality to all humanity, male and female. Feminist women need the help of feminist men, sure–we need everyone to realize they are trapped in a system that is forever geared towards generating inequality and systemic discrimination. But feminists are not begging for help, not wheedling like a 50s sitcom character trying to get her husband to buy her a new dress. Feminists are standing up as proud activists trying to realize their dream.

Second–seriously, dude, weak is just as good a four-letter word, conveys the same sense, and doesn’t offend anybody. Using lame is pretty weak.

(See how easy that was?)

How can you ever achieve anything genuinely positive if you just fight for one side and treat the other as disposable objects? That seems so wrong to me because feminists repeat the same old mistakes of patriarchalism. The only thing different is that roles are reversed now.

And how are we supposed to achieve anything genuinely positive if we hide our anger, stay meek and demure, and never demand anything? How the hell are we supposed to become equal if we stay subservient?

As for repeating the mistakes of patriarchalism–speak for yourself. That’s not the kind of feminism I support and advocate for, and it never has been on the short history of this blog. I firmly believe we have to tear down the entire privilege system and find something better–and soon, before the human race lurches into its final chapter.

And seriously, roles reversed? Are you saying women are more powerful than men? Cause that might actually make me mad.

Given the horrors our mad world continues to lurch through–the endemic poverty, the billions who are hunger, the millions who are starving, given how the First World continues to support itself on the slavery of the Third, given how even here in the Wonderful West we are plagued with massive amounts of sexism, racism, religious bigotry, looksism, and countless other oppressions, I think the question isn’t: why am I outraged?

It really should be, why aren’t you?


Fine Feathered Foul?

Categories: all about me, mailbag

Hello, du…hmm. I nearly used the common English word for a member of the family anatidae. Which, it seems, would be wrong, at least according to Anonymous:

Here’s the deal: gay men call people ducks; women do not. Consider it part of the process to remove that word from your vocabulary. Please.

Now, I got defensive when I first read this, but then I thought: hey, maybe Anonymous has a point; I mean, I’ve gotten all sorts of good advice from anonymous folks before, from “Duck!” (oops) to “suck my…”–well maybe that last wasn’t such good advice. But you get the picture.

As I said in my response, I do all kinds of things on this blog I don’t do in regular life, from talking about my vagina to using complex analogies about the kyriarchy. (I do, however, bore folks with feminist analyses of French peri-impressionism.) I’ll confess to adopting Winged Water Fowl as a greeting as part of the quasi-folksy style I affect in the lighter posts hereabouts. At the very least, I figured I might be remembered as that “crazy lady who calls everyone Mallards.”

But I’d hate to slow my process; I’m not sure what that means, but it sure sounds bad! Seeing as it’s a slow day here at TSA (I spent most of it writing a proposal for a–I hope–largish client), I thought I would put it out there for you, du…er, wigeons: should I stop using That Word and call everybody something serious, like Fellow Denizens of the Feminist and Transfeminist blogospheres? I leave it to you!

Unless you consider it a wild goose chase.