Greetings, Ducks! I do have a few ideas for new posts floating around. It’s a thing! A thing I do in fact plan to do. But my writing time is currently being sucked up with making a prop for my Cthulhu game. Yes, yes, I know. Sheesh.
In the meantime, check this out. Yours mostly truly got her creaky Gen-X self interviewed by the very bright, very awesome folks at The Student Journal, in the UK. Apparently we are big, not so much in France (hélas!) but in l’Angleterre. Seriously, it was a fantastic experience and helps reaffirm my belief that you Millennials are the last best hope of Earth.
Jesus, I mean to write about this soon: the always awesome Fannie on the Ultimate Fighter who has had to out herself as trans.
Hey, we have new pope! I guess the blessing I got (me and 10,000 folks in St. Peter’s Square) from Pope Emeritus has expired!
Enjoy the links. I’ll see you all again soon.
I nice interview, but I think your comments on the paperwork obstacles for transitioners, as well as the availability of insurance coverage, are a bit outdated. The social security matches have stopped. In general, things are a lot better under the Obama administration.
Oops. *A* nice interview.
Caprice, mon amie, there’s quite a bit out of date here on ye olde blog, donchaknow.
Good to know about the Social Security card; that was always a bit of a gross-out.