I’ve been away.

(Where O where have you been, C.L.?)

I’ve been to love, ducks. Love love super lovey love. Although I might not be for much longer, after that sentence.

Also, work. Work is good. I’m glad I have it. But it does eat into one’s blogging.

And D&D!

(Pause while my one remaining reader flees.)

So, OK, I’ve been busy being amorous and financially fit and pretending to be a sorceress. (What? you were expecting a hobbit?)

What else?

Some of it is being busy. And some of it…some of it is that I lost a lot of faith.

The last year or so has left me (and some of you, I’ll wager) feeling a lot more hopeless about…everything. Social justice. The world economy not crashing or reforming itself into the latest take in feudalism. Everywhere you go, at least in this country (and a bunch of others), the forces of reaction, of kyriarchy, are on the march and nothing we do seems to slow them.

Here in the good ol’ U.S. of A., our choices basically amount to voting for the guy who wants to drive the car off a cliff, and the guy who just wants to drive it out to the middle of the Mojave and wait for things to turn up.

And I think I lost a little confidence because of that. In the idea that what I have to say will matter to anyone. Even to readers of blogs. Because what can I say that Liss or Amanda or Sady or…well, lots of folks haven’t already said, and better.

I’m still not sure I know the answer to that. But maybe I’m willing to give it a try again.

So….I’m back. Kind of.  For a while. Hope you enjoy the show.

And stay tuned for some announcements soon.